
Assessing the Assessors - Complete The Atos Survey

Assessing the Assessors: Are Atos Fit to Work?
A Work Capability Questionnaire

WoW Petition would like to invite you to complete a short survey about your Work Capability Assessment experience.

The questionnaire is part of Mark Thomas's 100 Acts of Dissent.

TV and radio comedian and activist Mark Thomas appeared recently at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival together with WoW Petition members to launch a campaign to 'Assess the Assessors'. The information collected from the questionnaire will be presented to a parliamentary select committee later this year, to coincide with the 100,000 signatures from WoW Petition which ends on December 12th.

The survey is designed to assess the performance of Atos Healthcare and how they conduct their work capability assessments. The information will be used as evidence and no names or identifying details will be given to anyone at any time without the express and written authorisation of yourself. You may remain anonymous if you prefer. 

Thank you for your support.

Supported by:
  • WoW Petition
  • The Archibald Foundation
  • Atos Stories
  • Atos Miracles
  • Black Triangle Anti-Defamation Campaign
  • DPAC (Disabled People Against Cuts)
  • False Economy
  • Glasgow Against Atos
  • inactualfact.org.uk
  • Nick @Mylegalforum ilegal.org.uk


  1. Supported by Disabled UK


    the more info you can provide in the last section the better. hopfuly this will shed light on just how bad the assessors are.

    I have filled it in with full details, including discrimination suffered by ATOS

  2. http://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/letter-to-the-icc-at-the-hague-re-mistreatment-of-the-disabled-and-sick?
